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Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
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iChan - new iOS + Android client

No.77638281 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Looking for beta testers for new 4chan multiplatform client (iOS + Android). Written on flutter, so its faster than react native.

Inspired by The Chan:
- Similar UI
- Support for Webm in IOS
- Favorites and history
- Images cache
- Remember thread positions and unread posts

But better:
- Optimized for large screens: most used buttons are placed on the bottom of the screen
- Back gesture works in any point of the screen
- 30% less battery consumption (compared to The Chan)
- Autogroup favorites by domain and board
- Sort favorites by unread or visits
- Support for image compression

Known issues:
- No seeking for webm in iOS yet

Free iOS ipa install:

You can use to install it without jailbreak.

Android ARMv8:

Android ARMv7:

Discord server:

Telegram chat: